Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween

(via JustJared)

If I celebrated Halloween this year I would have donned the cat version of this dog outfit Amanda Seyfried rocked. That would be meowsome and oh so warm and cuddly. So bummed I had to work this whole weekend but funny story time. My mom and dad went and bought enough (good) Halloween candy to make a kid a diabetic (when I say good I mean chocolate - Snickers, Reeses, Twix, etc. - not the twisters, bottle caps, and hot tamales I tried to unsuccessfully trade off as a child). I come home tonight to trick-or-treaters on the street and complete darkness at our house. No outside lights on. No inside lights on. Not even the lights we USUALLY have on are lit up in any way, shape or form. Fuckin' pitch black with me using my iphone as a flashlight. I go inside and find the candy bowl sitting inside the door, as if we are ready to hand out treats when our house looks completely abandoned. What is wrong with this picture??? I literally laughed out loud. Halloween has become my family's excuse to buy and eat mass quantities of chocolate that we never plan on handing out in the first place. I told my mother about how ironic this all was and have never seen her laugh harder in my life. And she says, in between laughing and eating a KitKat bar, "Michelle, the candy is for the kids, it's scary when it's dark". Mom, totally busted you!!!

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